Spike Presents: An Interruption

- Date
- Thursday 17 - Saturday 19 February, 2022, 7:30PM
- Location
- Alec Clegg Studio
We interrupt your evening to bring you h e l l o an exploration of that dear old concept with which we interact during every minute of our lives.
One we don't talk about. One we don't like to talk about. One we can't quite out our finger on. The abstract.
'Spike Presents; An Interruption' is an avant-garde piece showcasing h e l p m e the talents of some of West Yorkshire's best young performers, artists and creatives.
Orchestrated by Spike Woodley, this Interruption will be a menagerie of theatre, music, lecture and art. Component pieces will overlap and interrupt one another I a m n o w h e r e to create a new whole, a kaleidoscope of expression altogether exploring the abstract, its underappreciated role in our lives and its presence at the boundary between art and reality.
Thur 17th to Sat 19th Feb 2022, Alec Clegg Studio, 7:30pm
Full: £10
Concessions: £7.50